Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What Were You Thinking

I see you there, questioning why you have taken on the role you have. Thinking how great it would be to go back to waiting on tables or being a cashier. You wouldn’t have so many people watching you. So many eyes on you. You would only have to worry about you, your life and not carrying the weight of everyone else. Not having to pretend you’re something that right now you’re not. Not having to make so many decisions. 
Your thinking “Oh, how much easier life would be if….”

Can I be real with you for a moment. It would likely be easier. 

Easier...until...it’s not. 

Eventually things would get hard again. There would be other situations that will come up. Other things that will happen that will be hard. That’s the way life is. No matter who you are or what you are doing, it’s going to get hard. It’s going to get uncomfortable. 

So why did you take on the role of leadership that you did? You know, the day you said yes to what you are doing. What made you excited about it? What hopes did you have for it? 

Chances are it was because you wanted to  have an impact.You wanted to make a difference. Guess what my friend, in this hard place you have that opportunity to make a difference and have an impact just by being you. There is even a possibility, this is the place the you will make the biggest impact in your role.

I recently heard someone say “It’s not the situation they are watching, but the way it’s being handled.” 

So there is no need to stress or worry about everything that is going on around you right now. Instead decided who you want to be in the middle of it all and be that person. 

This role you have right now, this place of leadership you are standing in, I know sometimes it can be hard. 
But don’t forget what’s on the other side of hard. 

It’s Strength. Wisdom. Celebration.  

Yea, things would be easier if you went back to waiting tables. They would be easier until they aren’t. No matter what your doing it’s going to get hard and uncomfortable. So you may as well pick the one that comes with the most fulfillment. 

Knowing you, that’s being right where you are. 

Love you madly.

P.S. There are times we need someone to come along side us to help us remember why we do what we do. I can do that for you. Email me at leslie.canup@gmail.com I’ll show you how. 

How To Handle Your Overwhelm

I know you are feeling so overwhelmed right now.  There is so much information coming at you, so many decisions you need to make. Everyon...