Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Things You (don't) Have To Do

I see your mind turning. 
It’s telling you all the things you have to do. 
Let’s take a quick minute and write down all the things you have to do. Go on, go get a piece of paper, junk mail, anything you can write on. And start writing down every single thing. All of it. I’ll wait.
Ok, did you get it all down? The laundry. The meals. The work tasks. The family. The friends. Anything else?
Now, I want you to look over that entire list. Does it feel like a lot? Does it feel overwhelming? Does it feel impossible to get done? How many of those things have been weighing on your mind now for a while? 

I have a secret I want to share with you. 

Are you ready? 

You don’t have to do any of it.


You could choose not to do laundry. Not to cook meals. Not to take care of those work tasks. Not to take care of the family or the friends.  You don’t HAVE to do ANY of it. You really don’t. Do you know there are people who don’t do these things? 

Okay so I know your thinking “What are you getting at here?”

When you look at all the things you think you HAVE to do it weighs heavy, and feels like you don’t have a choice in the matter. It feels like you are slave to your surroundings, slave to the needs of others, slave to your work. But when you can recognize that you have a choice in the matter. 
Realize that it’s all optional.
It changes e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. 

You don’t have to do the laundry. 
You are choosing to wear clean clothes.

You don’t have to fix a meal. 
You are choosing to feed yourself (and others)

You don’t have to take care of the work tasks. 
You are choosing to keep your job.

You don’t have to take care of your family. 
You are choosing to care for them because you love them.

You don’t have to have friendships. 
You choose to have connection.

Lets take it further.
You don’t have to drive the speed limit. 
You choose not to get a ticket.

You don’t have to pay your taxes. 
You choose not to be penalized.

You don’t have to work out. 
You choose to move your body.

Do you see the theme here? You really don’t HAVE to do anything. This is true for everything in life. 

One of my favorite things Tonya Leigh taught me is the 3 D’s.

There are often things on our lists or in our lives that we can delete. We are doing them because we developed a belief that it’s a requirement. What things on your list do you want to delete?

The next thing to do is see what you can delegate. What are things that others can do? 

And finally, whatever is left, delight in doing those things. Even if it’s taking out the trash. Delight in the idea that your home won’t smell because you are taking out the trash. 

Yep, you don’t HAVE to do anything. You choose to. Own that choice and be proud of your self for what you are choosing to do. Do the things that are most important to you. Ask others to take care of the things they can take care of and delete all the rest.

You will have more time. More energy. More connection. More Joy.

Love you madly.

P.S. I have opened 3 free mini coaching sessions. Email me at to reserve yours. 

How To Handle Your Overwhelm

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