I see you there every day.
When it’s hard you are there.
When it’s boring you are there.
When it’s easy you are there.
When it’s exciting you are there.
When you are loosing you are there.
When you are winning you are there.
When you are tired you are there.
When you are rested you are there.
You encourage.
You empower.
You uplift.
You fight the good fight.
You do all you can for others.
You teach.
You continue to learn.
You continue to grow.
You laugh.
You cry.
You sometimes shake your fist at the sky.
You take the heat.
You take the praise.
You sacrifice.
You problem solve.
You give.
You seldom take.
You make dreams reality.
You think outside the box.
You strategize.
You serve.
You show up for your family.
You show up for your Community.
You show up for your career.
You show up for the people you lead.
You show up for all of the people you serve.
And I just want to say
I think you are pretty amazing.
Thank you.
Thank you for serving.
Thank you for leading.
Thank you for being willing.
Thank you for being you.
I know, with out a doubt, the world is a greater place because it has you in it. Don’t believe me? I can ask around and report back to you if you would like.
Yep, you’re pretty amazing. Incredible. Fantastic. Irreplaceable.
You are thought of.
You are prayed for.
You are loved.
Love you madly.
P.S. Thank you for showing up. I would love you to email me at leslie.canup@gmail.com so I can thank you by name.