Monday, April 1, 2019

Just For The Joy Of It

I see you there so worn and serious. 
I know you can’t remember when the last time was that you really laughed.
Or the last time you danced.
The last time that you looked up to the heavens and smiled. 
Just for the joy of it. 

Here’s my prayer for you.

I pray that you will enjoy a good belly laugh. That you would seek out funny and joyful things. On purpose. That you will find yourself dancing. Dancing in the car to your favorite song. Dancing in the parking lot on your way into the store. Dancing in your living room even when there is no music. May you hear your favorite tune in your head and sway to its rhythm. May you look up to the heavens and smile because you are grateful for the breath in your lungs. 

May your senses be heightened to hear the laughter of a child. To see the smile of a stranger. To feel the goose bumps on your skin when you when something moves you. To taste life that is being spoken into you. To smell the scent of joy. 

May you spread joy like a wild fire in a forest. Breathing life into all that you have. All that is around you. Your relationships. Your time. Your health. Your business. Your rest. 

If for some reason you have no strength to do so may you find your self surrounded by those who do to help you. 

May you find yourself there in that place for no other reason than…
Just For The Joy Of It. 

Even if you are in a place of sorrow and sadness or stress. If there is one thing I know, it’s that joy and sadness can co-exist.  You see, because without one we do not know the other. So friend, don’t feel guilty for the times of joy among the other.

May you paint, or run or dance or ride. What ever that thing is that makes you feel like time has stopped. Go. Do that thing. If you don’t have time, find the time. Make the time. It will refuel your soul. I mean it, now go. Laugh. Smile at a stranger. Smell the flowers. Dance in the grass. Run and play like you were a child. Do it….
Just For The Joy Of It.

Don’t worry what others may think. Because chances are they are thinking WOW…I wish I had that kind of fun. That kind of happy. 

Love you madly. 

P.S. Do you need someone to come along side of you and help you find your joy? Email me at if I can’t do it, I know someone who can.

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