Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Task I Was Given

I’ve been given the task writing 30 blogs in 30 days. 
I’ve found myself resisting it in some very interesting ways. Telling myself “I’m not a blog writer.” (Proving this by not knowing the term is blogger until it’s pointed out to me in my edits.) “I only do things short and sweet.”  “A social media post is the lengthiest thing I do.” “ My blogs will be short and sweet to the point. So really I’ve been writing my posts all along in Facebook group posts. “

My coach encouraged me to do some thought work around blogging in general and question these thoughts with curiosity. When I sat down to do so I discovered I wanted to avoid the work. Writing does not sound fun to me in anyway. I try to avoid it as much as possible in fact. I just don’t like it. Of course my brain didn’t want to present it that way though. I could be considered lazy or unwilling, maybe even entitled to grow without actually having to do the work. 

Our brains are so sneaky that way. Finding ways to justify what we don’t want to do. What we think we shouldn’t have to do. 

The amazing thing about this is that we were created with the ability to think about our own thinking. That’s what we do in coaching. We learn how to notice our thoughts. We learn how to question them with curiosity. We learn what thoughts we want to keep and which thoughts we want to throw away. We learn what kind of impact our thoughts have on our lives. They have a much bigger impact than you would think.

I’m curious to know, what’s the thing that’s been asked of you? 
What sneaky thoughts are you having? 
Sometimes they’re thoughts like “I don’t have enough time.” “I can’t make that kind of commitment right now.” “I don’t do that.” “I can’t do that.” 

This can all be very valid. Sometimes we genuinely don’t have the time and can’t make the commitment. But they are also worth exploring a little more. Other times we may find we don’t want to make the time or we don’t want to commit. We want to stay comfortable or don’t want to do the work it takes.

So here I am. 31 days later finding myself typing along after taking a little time to look at the thoughts I was having about writing 30 blogs in 30 days. After gently questioning myself, I had decided to change these thoughts to “I’m willing to do the things that don’t sound fun.” “I can do things even if I don’t like them. “ “I can even find a way to like it and make it fun if I want.“

Turns out, I had a lot I wanted to say to you. 
Important things that needed to be said:
Your lovable
Your amazing
Thank you
You can do hard things
You get decide 
And You are seen

This has me wondering what other things is the world missing out on because we resist the task at hand? No I know, it's always worth a second thought.

Thank you for reading along.
 Who knows maybe I’m a blogger after all.

Love you madly. 

P.S. Having trouble doing things that are asked of you? Email me at leslie.canup@gmail.comI can help.

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